Friday, April 30, 2010

First Communion Photo Shoot

When the kids were little I used to do photo shoots a couple times a year just having fun getting some cool pictures of the kids. Now that the kids are older I seem to do it less and less. But today was the day for photos. I took both the kids to Target to get their photos taken, Dominic for his birthday (yes I am a bit late in getting his 4 year old pictures but he isn't 4.5 yet!) and Isabella for her first communion. Since we went to all the trouble to curl Isabella's hair I figured we might as well get the most of the curls and the great overcast day. I ended up taking about 240 pictures of the kids, mostly Isabella. She said she had fun being a princess and getting her picture taken which is a change from most of the time since she has a tendency to not cooperate when we are trying to take photos. It was a fun day. Here are just a few of my favorites from today. She looks like a little bride in some of them. 4.30.10

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