Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Making Grape Jelly from grapes

When we were at my Grandma's picking apples, Isabella noticed that Grandma had grapes growing. She was more interested in picking grapes than she was apples. My Grandma noticed this and told Isabella that she might as well pick enough to make grape jelly. So the picking continued until we had about 5 quart of grapes. Then when we finally had a few minutes to spare Isabella helped me in the LONG process of making jelly.
First you wash the grapes and take them off the stems. Then boil them in water until the skins start to fall off. Then using a very special cloth (my grandma gave me) you strain the pulp of the grapes from the juice. This part takes a long time. After you have the juice you follow the directions on the Sure Jell and make Jelly.
I have to say that it took a lot longer than I anticipated BUT I would totally do it again. The jelly was awesome. Store bought jelly can't compare to the yumminess. Our family is not really jelly eaters but we burned though at least three jars in the first two weeks. I don't think we will have enough to make it though the year. I guess next year we will have to make more!

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