Saturday, June 14, 2008

Turtle Taxi

Isabella found a turtle friend on our drive way and Dominic had a glorious morning due to it. He spent the whole morning picking up the turtle, pushing it in strollers and his big truck. The turtle seemed to enjoy the attention. After he had had enough fun with his "pet" he went and let him go. Hopefully the turtle will come back and play again soon.

1 comment:

Michelle Cox said...

What a lucky turtle! Man, I think my boys would be happy for weeks if they had a pet turtle to cart around. Benjamin seems to be a pretty piece of cargo lately. They like to give him rides in the stroller around the house. Luckily, he seems to like it, too.

Oh, and the name on the door for the apartment we're staying in here in Florence is "Paoletti"! Pretty cool! Are your husband's people from Florence, by any chance??