Thursday, June 24, 2010

It was a good car

Eight years ago on the night of our wedding my in-laws gave us a beautiful, black Toyota Avalon and unfortunately this summer we had to bid it farewell. Michael was hit while driving to work, not once but twice by the same car! The Avalon handled the impact wonderfully and Michael was thankfully not really hurt. (We give most of that credit to God and a Guardian Angel.) The damage was beyond repair giving the age of the car. It was a sad day when we had to say good-bye to the black Avalon. Michael now has to settle for my white Avalon as his work car. It too is a nice car but not quite a swanky as the sleek black one. Plus my car has the wear from two children over the past 7 years. (aka: melted crayon in the back seat and impressions from constant pressure from car seats.)6.24.10

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