I can't believe how fast time goes. I now have a 7 year old. How is that possible? Here she is with her Littlest Pet Shop cake that she designed and I created. I put a close up of the top of the cake so you could see that all the pets were at the park for the bunny's birthday party. That was Isabella's idea. I thought it was pretty cute. We made all the presents and the little cake out of fondant. 6.27.10
Monday, June 28, 2010
Isabella turns 7!!
Posted by
Paoletti Family
5:12 PM
The 2 week Kitchen Remodel
Our old white refrigerator died in May and we had a new silver one delivered in June. We decided we would start by changing the hardware on the cabinets to silver. Then we decided to paint the dining room and kitchen red Since we always wanted a red kitchen. After that we took on stripping the cabinets and painting the base of the cabinets. It was a long two weeks with very little sleep but in the end the kitchen turned out pretty sweet. I now love to be in there. Hmmm now I think I need a new stove.... 6.27.10
Posted by
Paoletti Family
5:03 PM
Building the fort
This summer Michael and his dad took on a new project for the kids: building a fort in the forest behind our house. When it is complete it will have a ladder, climbing rope, and a zip line. I am sure there will be hours of fun spent in the fort over the next couple years. Here is a picture of Dominic and Papa and a few of the kids zipping on the zip line. 6.28.10
Posted by
Paoletti Family
1:54 PM
Face Makeover
Isabella's front tooth has been dangling for almost two weeks. It has been a constant source of contention in our house. We have tried bribes to get her to pull it out but with no success. She is so uncomfortable and can't eat well but she just won't make that final tug. On her birthday someone bumped her elbow when she was trying to get some food out of her teeth and pop...out it came. No more snaggle tooth! What a great birthday surprise. She is thrilled it is finally gone. Maybe next time "someone" will bump it out a bit earlier??? 6.28.10
Posted by
Paoletti Family
12:43 PM
Thursday, June 24, 2010
It was a good car
Eight years ago on the night of our wedding my in-laws gave us a beautiful, black Toyota Avalon and unfortunately this summer we had to bid it farewell. Michael was hit while driving to work, not once but twice by the same car! The Avalon handled the impact wonderfully and Michael was thankfully not really hurt. (We give most of that credit to God and a Guardian Angel.) The damage was beyond repair giving the age of the car. It was a sad day when we had to say good-bye to the black Avalon. Michael now has to settle for my white Avalon as his work car. It too is a nice car but not quite a swanky as the sleek black one. Plus my car has the wear from two children over the past 7 years. (aka: melted crayon in the back seat and impressions from constant pressure from car seats.)6.24.10
Posted by
Paoletti Family
8:03 PM
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Ballet 2010
Here are some pictures I took at the ballet studio this summer at the end of Bella's second year of ballet. 6.22.10
Posted by
Paoletti Family
8:17 PM
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Jeffrey & Amie get married
Michael's younger brother, Jeffrey got married this past weekend. Here are some pictures from the whirlwind weekend. Michael was the best man, Isabella was the flower girl and Dominic was the ring bearer.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:52 PM
Track & Field Day 2010
Besides the 4x100 relay Isabella also participated in the 100, 200 & 50yd dash and the long jump. Here are a few pictures of her jumping skills. 5.22.10
Posted by
Paoletti Family
11:15 AM
Runners to your Mark..4x100 Relay
This was Isabella's first season of track. She trained for 6 weeks with her team the Lazers and then got to participate in the national track meet in Springfield Mo. She was one of the youngest on the 8 and under team but she still did an awesome job. Her 4x100 relay team took 2nd place. Here are some pictures from the relay that she got to start off. You gotta love the way she turned and smiled for the camera in the middle of her leg of the race. She was so excited when we drove home she told us that it was the "best day of her life!" She confirmed that it was even better than Christmas and her birthday. I have to admit it was really fun watching all the little kids compete. Hopefully we will be able to participate again next year. Dominic can't wait for the chance to be in track too. 6.22.10
Posted by
Paoletti Family
11:08 AM
Monday, June 7, 2010
Faster than a speeding bullet
Here is a picture of Dominic running on the track at Isabella's track meet. I think that we dressed him appropriately for the day. I mean he is practically a blur! The look of happiness on his face is priceless. I will post more from the track meet later. 5.22.10
Posted by
Paoletti Family
10:55 PM
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Dance the night away
Isabella was so excited about the wedding and about being the flower girl. But more than anything else she couldn't wait for the dancing to start. She skipped out on the meal and started her dancing solo while everyone else ate. This little girl pretty much danced from about 6:30pm- 12am. She refused to go home and leave the dance floor...so we humored her and let her stay in dance (I mean this was the last family wedding so she should live it up. Plus this may be her last flower girl job. Nothing like dancing in a big white dress). Dominic couldn't handle the long day and crashed on the chairs after a few "Shirley Temple" drinks. The boy can't handle his grenadine! 6.5.10
Posted by
Paoletti Family
8:56 AM
Introducing: Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Paoletti
Ok so this summer was super crazy busy and my blogging was pretty hit or miss....but I am not really sure how I missed posting about the BIG wedding of the year!!! Michael's brother got married in June to "May-mee" (Amie) as Isabella used to call her when she was first speaking.
The bride was beautiful, the groom quite handsome, the weather perfect and the newly married couple so happy. We wish them all the best for the years to come.....and we hope they have some cute little kids for my kids to play with soon (ok, so that is really Isabella's wish for them, not that I would mind some nieces and nephews). 6.5.10
Posted by
Paoletti Family
8:43 AM