View of the cabin and the woods behind it.
View from the driveway of the mountains across the road from our cabin.
We hiked the mountain across the road. It was so sad to see all the burned trees from the forest fires last year. So much devastation.

Finally the sun came out after two days of fog and rain.
One of many amazing rope swings.
Emma & Isabella at the top of the fort.
Roasting marshmallows over the campfire.
Colorado family photo.
Dominic & James on the path to the fort.
Isabella really wanted to use the old fashioned phone to make a call to her grandma.
The cute little sitting room off the master bedroom.
Kids room, complete with double bunk beds.
We finally had a day without rain so we could have a bonfire.
Roasting marshmallows with dad.
The boys loved spending time in the fort.