Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ava's Baptism

We are blessed to be the Godparents for my adorable niece, Ava.  The daughter of my brother Chad & his wife Oksana.  It was sweet seeing the kids take part in the sacrament of baptism uniting family and faith. 3.24.12

Monday, March 19, 2012

Dominic's first tooth

Dominic noticed his loose tooth and he asked if it was ok to wiggle it.  He then wiggled too hard and it came out.  He was really upset that it came out so easy. After he got over the shock he was pretty excited that he lost his first tooth. He is determined to not have dangling teeth like his sister.  He is a go getter. 3.19.12

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2012

We have done a lot of fun things for St. Patty's day but this year we got adventurous with the rainbow.  I surprised the kids with rainbow pancakes for breakfast and we worked together to make rainbow cupcakes for lunch.  The toilet water was green again too...darn those leprechauns! Another fun feast day. Its funny....with all the fun things we have done over the years the kids still are most excited about the green oatmeal I made the first year.  Seriously they asked to have green oatmeal as a snack today because they think that is so much fun.  Let me tell oatmeal is way easier than rainbow cup cakes!  3.17.12

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lucy's Birthday on the Oregon Trail

Dressing up like you are from the old west, hitting pinatas and trying your luck on Oregon Trail. Another party success. Happy Birthday Lucy. 3.10.12