The kids got these from the church picnic over the weekend. They had a blast "hunting monsters" with their hats on...they wore them for days, Dominic even took his to bed with him. Such a true cowboy. It is pretty cute.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Howdy Cowboy
Posted by
Paoletti Family
9:29 AM
Sprinkler Fun
You know it is really summer when you break out the sprinkler for the kids to run around in the front yard. This serves two purposes...cools off the kids and waters the dying grass. Dominic kept wanting to pick up the sprinkler and spray his sister instead of just running through it. He is trouble.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
9:23 AM
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Picnic fun
Dominic participated in the Little Tiny Tot competition and won. Here is some pictures of him in his crown and with baby Max, who won the baby boy competition. Dominic was pretty excited that he got a bag of plastic bugs for winning.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
9:35 AM
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Queen for a day
This girl's creativity has no bounds. She came out with this on her head and proclaimed herself queen. I asked why she made it and she just said "I guess I just felt like making a crown" she did it all on her own...all I did was take the picture.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
4:16 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Just Cruisin' in my Yacht
This was taken in our neighbor's pool. They were kind enough to let Dominic ride around in their baby's little boat. Dominic loved it.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
9:15 AM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Summer Sleepover
Isabella and Dominic were thrilled to have their cousin sleepover. They had lots of fun playing, painting and swimming. They also got to play in the sprinkler and almost have a camp out in the the last minute they decided it was less scary to sleep in the bedroom.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
10:22 PM
Pool Time
The kids had a blast in the neighbor's pool. They even pretended they were pregnant when the figured out that they could stick their little beach balls in their swim suits. I love the photo of our expectant swimmers.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
9:08 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Super cool
Yep-time for a hair cut. When he can sport a three inch mo-hawk we know it is time for a cut. Although now that I see the picture I am thinking-a little gel and this would be a great hairstyle on him. and tough. What do you think?
Posted by
Paoletti Family
4:20 PM
Swimming Lessons
Isabella got to participate in swimming lessons this summer. She had a great time and by the end of it had enough confidence to start swimming under water on her own. She now enjoys swimming for diving sticks under the water. I couldn't be more proud since she would barely put her face in the water at the start of the lessons.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
4:13 PM
Bubble Fun
For the first few years of Dominic's life, bubbles in the bath were not allowed. Not because he was allergic or something, it was because the kid was scared to death of them! So when Isabella asked the other night "mommy-can we have bubbles in our bath?" it was incredibly funny when Dominic then put his face in the water and started making "bubbles" he then looked up at her and said "yaah,(his way of saying Bell) buh-bells, me" (meaning that he was making bubbles for her). It was really cute. We then tried out having bubbles again and guess what...the kid loved it! now he asks for it at every bath.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
12:21 PM
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Sticky fun with watermelon
Here are some pictures from a BBQ this weekend. It was pretty fun watching the kids devour the watermelon.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
4:09 PM
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Dominic: the Entertainer
This video was taken after Dominic turned dinner into a comedy routine. I had said "you will be going night-night after dinner." To which Dominic responded..."no, night-night" with a very sad tone. Grandma Margie then said "You won't go night -night now you are eating, don't worry be happy!" To this Dominic then proceeded to say to me "no, night-night, be happy!" we all laughed and he took this as his chance to create a whole comic routine by taking his voice to a higher level and changing his words to include, "no, cookies!" He is are little entertainer.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
10:07 PM
Friday, July 4, 2008
Firework Fun
Sparklers, smoke balls, snap-pops....all good fun until someone gets burned. Dominic had so much fun watching his sparkler and pretending it was a magic wand that he thought he should cast a spell on another little girl and he went and hit her on the head with his sparkler. She wasn't hurt but she had some singed hair and Dominic learned the lesson of not hitting with fire. Unfortunately his next sparkler dropped a piece into his shoe and he burned his foot. This ended the hands-on firework fun for the night.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
10:10 PM
Ride On
There was a powered Jeep at the 4th of July party and it was a big hit with the kids. Dominic thought it was the funniest thing ever! He was laughing so hard the whole time he was in it.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
11:00 AM
4th of July Pool Party
We had a great time on the 4th of July with people from my old neighborhood. It was so fun to see my childhood friends and have our kids play together. The kids had a blast in the pool.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
10:00 AM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Realm of the Garden Fairies
Isabella has a special interest in fairies ever since we started a learning unit on fairies in the fall. (thanks to Elizabeth Foss's website). So it is only fitting that Isabella enjoys making fairy houses outside. We even read a great book on the subject. Here is her latest creation that she made with the help of Grandma Margie, when she was here for a visit. It is pretty impressive! She said there is a leaf ceiling fan, shamrock bushes and a vase full of fresh cut flowers. There is a bench for the fairies to sit on and a gate to keep out unwanted critters. She thought of it all. I am sure the garden fairies will be residing here for the rest of the summer.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
4:01 PM
For the love of a book
Dominic loves Owen, a character from a Kevin Henkes book. He often times asks for his "yellow" book by saying "uh-oh, yellow?" which translates into where is my yellow book. Apparently in his language any sentence that starts with uh-oh means that whatever follows will be a question. Here he is proudly holding his book. Why does he like Owen so much you ask? Because Owen has a fuzzy yellow blanket that goes with him where ever he goes. Dominic's blankie isn't yellow...but I think he relates well to the book.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
3:57 PM