It's official, I have a five year old. We celebrated today with family and had a lot of fun with her Candy Land cake. I have to admit it is the most fun I have ever had decorating a cake. It was a bit hard to cut it up to eat.... I will post more later from the party and our busy weekend. I am wiped out.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Our Sweet Girl is 5!!
Posted by
Paoletti Family
10:53 PM
Saturday, June 28, 2008
How Sweet it is
Dominic participated in his first watermelon eating contest. The goal was to eat as much watermelon as you could in 90 seconds. Dominic seemed to be more about "slow and steady" than about winning the contest. He enjoyed every bit of his watermelon and ended up taking a second piece home with him.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
7:29 PM
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Adoring the new baby
We got to go and visit little baby Leo today and Isabella had a great time holding him. Mary wasn't so sure she liked someone else holding her baby brother....but the girls agreed to take turns. I was amazed that Isabella held him for over 15 minutes. She is so much like me at that age.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
4:34 PM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Leo is finally here
After being over a week over due Cathe & Jeremy welcomed their little boy into the world last Friday. He is such a cutie. We got to see him for the first time after the concert. He is so tiny...only 5 days old. It is pretty adorable to here Dominic walking around saying "baayee LeeeO"
When I asked Isabella if she was more excited about seeing Mr. Stinky Feet or seeing new baby Leo, she was quick to say "seeing baby Leo of course." She admitted to me after we left that she was jealous that Mary got to have such a sweet baby for a brother and wanted to know if maybe they would give him to us for a day so she could take care of him. I told her I didn't think that his mommy would be so willing to let him go just yet.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
3:26 PM
Mr. Stinky Feet comes to town
The summer reading program invited Mr. Stinky Feet (aka: Jim Cosgrove) to come and sing for the kids. The kids had a fun time listening to all the silly songs. Afterwards we were starting to leave and Dominic went up and tugged on Jim Cosgrove's shirt, I guess to say hi, so I snapped a picture of them together. After we got home I could hear Dominic singing some of the songs from the concert while he was banging on his little drum. A future musician maybe?
Posted by
Paoletti Family
3:22 PM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Dueling Strollers
Here is Isabella with Carson and Dominic with his baby bear. They were having fun pushing their "babies" around outside.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
3:19 PM
Introducing: Maxwell Whitaker
Heather & Travis welcomed their little boy into the world on Tuesday. He is beautiful of course! Here are a few pictures of him when he was just 5 hours old!
Posted by
Paoletti Family
3:16 PM
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Flower Girls and A Little Ring Bearer
Isabella and Dominic got to be in my brother, Chad's wedding over the weekend. They did a great job walking down the isle and they were pretty cute while they did it too. There were five other flower girls as well. Isabella walked down with her cousin Trista followed by Josie & Emma , Jordan and Elena. They all did great.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:57 PM
Wedding Fun
Here are some pictures of the little boys hanging out after the wedding: James, Dominic & Cole. The girls before the reception: Emma, Trista & Isabella
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:00 PM
Just a sip
Dominic was so tickled to get to drink out of a champagne glass. He was drinking only water but he thought it was so much fun.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
1:06 PM
Dancing with his Godparents
Dominic got the pleasure of dancing with his Godparents: Teresa & Dave. I think in this picture he is teaching them the sign for "orange" pretty cute picture.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
12:08 PM
Friday, June 20, 2008
First Fireworks of the Season
Dominic would get so excited when he heard a firework go off in the neighborhood. So we decided to get out the fireworks we had left over from last year and light some. Mostly all we had was sparklers. Both kids had so much fun spinning around with them in their hands. They will be pros by the 4th!
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:53 PM
Slip & Slide
We got out the slip & slide today and the kids had a lot of fun playing in the water. They have not mastered the art of actually sliding down it...they do a bit of slipping though. Dominic spends most of the time playing with the water and stepping on the tube that shoots the water out, so he can see the water squirt higher. After awhile they got cold and sat on the swing in their towels until they were dry.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:12 PM
Line Creek Railroad
A group of homeschooling families got together at Line Creek Railroad and took the kids for a ride on the little train. The kids had a blast. Dominic clung to me the whole time we were moving but refused to get off when it stopped. It was really cute seeing him giggle when we went through the tunnel. Isabella and her friend Helen made sure to get the first set behind the conductor.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:04 PM
Swinging at the park
After the train ride we went to the park for a picnic. This is the same swing I used to push Isabella in when she was a baby. The park was very close to our old apartment.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
1:00 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Helping Mommy
Dominic has quite a love for watering plants, which is great for me because he will do it all and we have very happy plants. If I get out the hose he starts screaming "me me me! Me do it"
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:01 PM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Nutrition talk at our house tonight.
Isabella: Dad do you know why I am drinking my milk?
Dad: No.
Isabella: So I can get big and strong and lift heavy things.
Dad: Then you should really eat your spinach.
Isabella: What is spinach?
Dad: It's what Popeye ate and it made him have big fore arms and really strong.
Isabella: You mean he was strong AND he had FOUR arms?
Dad: No...this is a fore arm (he then shows her what a fore arm is).
---kids say the darndest things
Posted by
Paoletti Family
7:27 PM
Summer Time
It is officially summer...although it has been a very cool week this week only getting up into the low 80's. Regardless the kids were determined to get wet. Our neighbor had their grandchildren over and they got out the pool. The kids insisted that they go and join in the fun too. Dominic spent more time climbing in and out of the pool than he did actually in the water. I love the goggles picture.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
6:07 PM
All about Safety
Dominic is practicing water safety on his potty....because you never can be TOO safe. (He even slept with it just in case there was a flash flood in his bedroom)
Posted by
Paoletti Family
1:57 PM
Monday, June 16, 2008
Secret Hide Away
Dominic was quite happy playing outdoors today and Isabella slipped inside and created this secret tent. She had quite a set up: doors, a library, kitchen and a baby room. She even showed me that if she laid just right there was enough room for her to have a little bed. I asked why she made it and she said "so Dominic wouldn't find me." So you see, it was quite generous that she let him in on the fun when he came inside.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
6:10 PM