Dominic is hard at work. His front loader broke down today in the middle of a job and he had to fix it before he finish his work. He said it was something with the drive train. Luckily he knows what he is doing!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tractor tune-up
Posted by
Paoletti Family
3:04 PM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Dirty feet make for happy kids
Ahhh..the fun of cleaning sandy feet after a long day of building and destroying in the sand box. James and Dominic got along so well all day on Saturday. Nothing like dirt and sand to bridge the one year age gap. (It didn't matter how many pictures I took I could only get one of them to look at me at at time.)
Posted by
Paoletti Family
3:28 PM
Friday, April 25, 2008
It was only yesterday.....
I am often amazed at the miracles that God chose to give to us. Isabella is such a joy in our lives. She has an endless supply of energy and words that fill up our days. She often just crawls up on my lap to tell me that "I sure do love you mom." She can be trying at times...but I hear that she is "just like" me so I am sure I deserve it. She amazes me with her ability to learn things so quickly and how her creativity is endless. We are constantly running out of paper since she draws on everything she can find.
It is hard to believe that it was almost 5 years ago that I met this sweet angel face to face. She was so small and so sweet with so much beautiful dark hair. I remember staring at her in amazement thinking "wow she is really mine." The first few months were so unreal. All my life I had wanted to be a mom and here I was holding the sweetest baby God could have ever made. I was and am so proud of the little soul we have been entrusted to protect.
It is such a gift. I think I realize that more and more each day. We really hope that we will be blessed with more little angel faces to kiss and love but ultimately we are learning it is not up to us. It is all in God's hands. I am just happy that he found us worthy to give us two little souls to love, guard and teach. Children really are a glimpse of heaven on earth.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:39 PM
The sweetest little cheeks to kiss
Doesn't he look like a little angel in this baby picture? Where has 2 1/2 years gone? He has grown up so fast. He now has quite an array of words that he can say and is constantly reminding me "no!!!...ME!!" if I try to do anything for him. I do have to say that he is the perfect little boy to have in my life. He loves to crawl up on my lap just to snuggle or read books, he is a lovely little boy that is still content to be still. I have received so many graces by having him around to give me hugs and sloppy kisses. Oh, how I love this little boy.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:30 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Spring is here
Some people start to notice all the blossoms and the warm spring air, the yards popping with yellow dandelions and they say "spring is here." But I say that is not the true sign of spring. You want to know when spring is really here? You can tell by the entrance of tiny ants into your home. Our "spring" ants always enter through our screen door, which we leave open on warm days. Dominic is very facinated by the little bugs. They entertained him for most of the morning. (Unfortunately for the bugs--we put out our little ant their stay in our dining room with be a short one.)
Posted by
Paoletti Family
3:22 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Gina's baby
Gina had her baby Monday after being 8 days over due. She named her little boy: Colton Maxwell he weighed 6lbs 12oz and was 19in long. Pretty small little guy for being over due! She said he has blondish hair so he doesn't look much like Kaede at all!
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:40 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Professional at work
Dominic has taken up a new hobby: photography, however he can't quite figure out why all his photos come out of his face. I tried to tell him that he was looking through the wrong side but he just wouldn't believe me.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
12:56 PM
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
New baby in the house
Unfortunately it is not ours. We are helping out a neighbor by babysitting when we have an open day. The kids love having a little one to entertain. Little Carson is 4 months old and is a very happy & sweet little boy. Isabella loves being his personal care taker, she spends lots of time playing & talking to him. It is so sweet to watch her. Dominic seems to be most interested in the new toys that come in the baby's diaper bag. He is pretty sweet with him too but has a hard time sharing my lap.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:26 PM
Monday, April 7, 2008
Rocking out with Grandma Mary
The kids had lots of fun climbing into Isabella's carseat and flipping it much fun that they made a game out of it. I can't believe they both fit in her car seat. Grandma got quite a work out flipping them back and forth while they giggled. That is what Grandma's are for!
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:23 PM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Baby Shower for Heather & Travis
Megan and I had a shower for Heather in honor of her baby boy who is due on Isabella's birthday, June 28th. Heather got a lot of cute things for her little boy.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
5:20 PM
Swinging Cousins
Isabella and Trista had a great time singing and swinging after the baby shower. It is so fun to see them playing together.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:17 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Her first trip to the salon
Isabella was a bit squeamish about having scissors so close to her neck because it "tickled a lot" and she didn't like all the itchy hair down her back ...but overall her first trip to the hair salon was a success. Isn't she a cutie?
Posted by
Paoletti Family
9:44 PM
The New Doo
Major transformation in progress here. Isabella is looking pretty different now that she lost about 7 inches of hair! We think she looks pretty cute. She is pretty excited about the new look. After we got home she spent about an hour trying on all her clothes with her "new hair" to see how they looked. She thought everything looked good except some of her "dress up" clothes didn't look right because she isn't "dressing enough with short hair."
Posted by
Paoletti Family
6:35 PM