This may be the start of a new tradition, getting the kids together to celebrate Easter Monday. This works out really great because the B-W kids are off from school and this gives the girls time to play together--which Isabella has missed since Emma started school. They all had a blast finding eggs in the back yard. We had great weather too.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Easter Monday
Posted by
Paoletti Family
8:58 PM
Mmmm Precious Easter Cookies
Nothing says Easter like sugar, butter and more sugar in the shape of an egg with your name on it. They are always too pretty to eat on Easter morning but we sure did enjoy them a day later!
Posted by
Paoletti Family
8:45 PM
Easter Morning 2008
The kids woke up excited that "Jesus had Risen" and that they had baskets to find. Dominic found his behind the curtains and Isabella found hers behind the cushions on the couch. We had a fun morning full of fun Easter foods: hard boiled eggs (please note the Superman egg in honor of Michael), hot rolls, and of course Easter egg cookies! Dominic really enjoyed eating marshmallow peeps after reading his favorite book all year: Owen and the Marshmallow Chick. Before we knew it he had eaten THREE of them! Hey a little yellow #5 never hurt anyone right? After a joyous Mass we headed to my mom's for Easter lunch which is where the family photo was taken. (Easter morning was freezing cold--so we didn't take any family photos outside at our house this year.)
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:27 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Easter Egg Hunting at Grandma/pa Buhmans
The kids had lots of fun on Easter with two Easter egg hunts. The first one was at Grandma Buhman's house the second at Grandma Mary's. There were actually flurries during the outdoor hunt so it was a short and sweet experience for the kids. (I love the picture of the kids on the stairs waiting to be told they could go outside and start hunting). By the time we headed back to my mom's we got smart and had the Easter egg hunt in the living room. Much warmer and the kids got to find their eggs over and over again. (unfortunately I didn't take any photos of the indoor hunt.)
Posted by
Paoletti Family
8:48 PM
Disney on Ice: Princess Wishes
As a reward for Isabella finishing her reading lessons (this is a book that teaches her the basics of learning to read) she got to attend Disney on Ice and see all her favorite princesses. She was so excited about going that she dressed up like Princess Belle, complete with princess shoes.
Dominic got to go to and was most excited about the "tractor" that cleaned the ice and the dragon that shot fire out of it's mouth. Isabella's favorite part was seeing Ariel. As you can see by the last picture, she was pretty exhausted by the end of the show, which was over two hours long.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:16 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Sleeping with "Pa"
Dominic got to see his first episode of Little House on the Prairie and he fell in love with "Pa" he loves the video so much he took it with him to nap. He loves to walk around the house with the video pointing saying "Pa"....."Ma" I don't know if he really loves them or is just so happy that he can say their names.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:13 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day
In honor of an amazing Saint we celebrated with green oatmeal and leprechaun hats. We also had milk with green sprinkles in it!
Posted by
Paoletti Family
2:10 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
A potty of his own
We broke down and bought Dominic his own potty over the weekend and it has really helped him in asserting his full independence. The one he used before sat on top of the big potty and he had to be lifted up on it, therefore needing our help any time he needed to go. The down side to this new potty is that he seems to think that he is responsible for dumping the contents of the little potty into the big one....which always happens in a hurry since he is trying to beat me to the punch. I am waiting for the day that it gets dumped on the floor. So far he has done pretty good at hitting his target. Although he has been known to dump it out before he is finished going....which is a bit weird.
As you can see from the picture his new potty is a very comfortable place to be.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
10:46 PM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
I know that Dominic will hate me later in life when he sees this picture of him dancing around the living room in a tutu. He begged me to put it on him so he could dance with his sister. Don't worry ...I only took one photo.
Posted by
Paoletti Family
9:19 PM
Saturday, March 8, 2008
The New Restaurant
After a fire burned the restaurant in August of last year, Jeff & Traci have been working really hard rebuilding and revamping the restaurant. It is unbelievable! They did an amazing job and it shows. I can't believe it is the same building! We had the pleasure of being there the first weekend it was opened and the kids were really tickled that my dad was there carving meat. He had a lot of distractions with his grandkids running around!
Posted by
Paoletti Family
9:53 PM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
"Where did he go now?"
Once again it is TOO quiet and Dominic is no where to be found. Oh, here he is in under the table in the library book box looking at books. Now why didn't I think to look there first?
Posted by
Paoletti Family
9:25 PM